For amateur clubs

As a small local club or association you have several possibilities for generating income. You can either use performance-based metrics or a fixed monthly payment. The performance-based metrics could be goals, points, touchdowns etc.

If you are a club or association with several teams you can make a site for each of these teams and start earning money for various purposes to either the specific team or a general purpose in your club/association.

Once a month your micro-sponsors will be billed by Pecasu. We take a small royalty for hosting the site, administration fee, support etc. and send the majority of the earnings to you. The royalty is 10% the first year and 15% from year two and forward.

To give a better understanding of the technical part of your earnings on the performance-based metric, have a look at this example:

Club A has started on Pecasu with five teams.

One team is U15 girls - they want to earn money for an International Cup where they can play with other U15 teams. The tournament and trip will cost €6.000.

They set up a site on Club A’s Pecasu site with the mentioned purpose and a target to collect €6.000. Everytime the girls score a goal a micro-sponsor can pledge an amount to support them to reach their target.

So a micro-sponsor sign up to the U15-site and pledge €0,75 for every goal the U15 girls score. The micro-sponsor is billed monthly on the day of the month he/she signs up - just like a normal subscription. The micro-sponsor signs up March 10.

In the micro-sponsors first billing period, the U15 girls plays 3 matches and scores 5 goals. April 10 the micro-sponsor is billed 5 goals x €0,75 = €3,75 for the first period.

The second billing period the U15 girls plays 5 matches and scores 10 goals. On May 10 the micro-sponsor is billed 10 goals x €0,75 = €7,5 for the second period.

And so it goes on and on and on…

Every time a micro-sponsor is billed, the amount is put into the target bar on the team's pecasusite. All of your micro-sponsors will be able to track your progress this way. The system also has a single payment solution for the ones that wish to contribute a one-time amount.

Pecasu > For amateur clubs


Dyrehavevej 8
2930 Klampenborg
CVR no. 44775697

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