Individual sports - amateur and pro

For some athletes or individuals in the world of sports trying to make it, a lot of travel expenses are paid by the individual. You might have a sponsor who pays for some of your expenditures, or you might not. If you're not so fortunate, you'll have to spend a lot of time saving or borrowing money for these travels.

With the Pecasu platform, you can cut costs while focusing on becoming a better athlete and competing on a larger stage. We build you a homepage where you can convert your fans and followers into micro-sponsors and start earning money on a monthly basis.

Let’s find a solution that fits your needs - either via fixed monthly payments or another solution that works for your sport. Get in touch with us here and let’s have a talk.

If you wish to express your gratitude to your micro-sponsors, you may easily organise prize draws in which they can win items such as memorabilia, gift cards, and merchandise.

There are a few features on the website that are helpful to you. Like the target bar - you are going to a competition abroad with an expense of €10.000. You can specify purpose and aim through your branded Pecasu page. The target bar increases with the billed amount each time one of your micro-sponsors is billed. The micro-sponsor will be able to track your development.

At the same time, you can add a one-time payment option to your Pecasu page. Let's imagine your competition is coming up in a few weeks and you only need €500 to reach your goal. A supporter, micro-sponsor, or company that wants to help you attain your goal can make a one-time donation of €500 or more (or less).

Pecasu > Individual sports - amateur and pro


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