How it works

Club and individual (pro & amateur)

Well most of the platform works in many ways the same way for amateurs as for pros.

When you are online at the Pecasu website, your fans that sign up are micro-sponsors. This can be both private persons or business (current and new).

The Pecasu platform is a new way of generating income to your club, team, association or to an individual athlete through performance-based metrics or as a fixed monthly fee.

As an amateur organisation it is possible to set up more teams for your club or association. If, for example, your local soccer club has ten teams, and each team wants to raise money for a different reason, we set up a landing page that unites all of your teams, and each team gets its own webpage with its unique objective.

What is a performance-based metric?

A performance-based metric is something that we can measure like in soccer and ice hockey we measure goals scored. In a for instance Basketball and American football we can measure points scored. In individual sports we can measure e.g. medals won.

How does it work?

Well it’s quite simple. If you decide to just go with the fixed monthly fee solution, your micro-sponsors are billed monthly like a normal subscription. So if the micro-sponsor decides to pay €10 per month, the micro-sponsor will be billed €10 monthly on the day of the month he/she signed up. However, if you choose a performance-based metric solution like goals the micro-sponsor is billed monthly for the goals you score times the amount he/she pays per goal. So if you score 5 goals in the micro-sponsors billing period and the micro-sponsor signed up to pay €1,5 per goal, you will receive 5 goals x €1,5 = €7,5 for this period (minus royalty).

What is a billing period?

A billing period lasts a month from the day of the month you sign up to the same day the following month. Your next billing period starts when your latest billing period ends and lasts through the next month on the same date.

How do we get our collected income?

Pecasu maintains the solution and collects the money for you. Once a month approx. 4-7 days in the new month we send you the money. So money collected from your micro-sponsors in May, will be in your banking account between the 4th and the 7th of June.


One or more from your club will have access to a dashboard where you can maintain some of the elements at your platform site e.g. texts, pictures, prizes etc. Here you can also see an overview of your micro-sponsors, and control your target(s).

What is a target?

Do you want to collect funds for a specific target like new seats at your stadium/arena, a fan zone, improve talent academy etc. With the target feature you can put the target on your front page along with the amount you need to make the target, and let your micro-sponsors follow your progress.


With the prize draw and prize claim module you can easily manage prizes and winners. Pecasu will show you how easy these modules are to handle - if you want to do it yourself.

See more of what our features can offer your Club, team or association here - Features

Pecasu > How it works


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